Topic/Area: Friezes, Pavings, Escher, Platonic Solids, Historical Data

Date released: 2017-18

Type of Best Practices

  • Online Tools, Applications or Platform
  • Handbook/ Guidelines

Partners / network

Doukas School teachers and students (ages 14-16)

Description of the methods/ approach

Students and teachers of Doukas School visited museums, churches and monuments in the city of Athens. They focused on details of sculpture, table, mosaic and decorative elements and observed the paving in the building, the temple, the stained glass windows, the draft railings. They discussed about the way all the above were developed and combined by the artists and the architects; .


Design of a unique application using Google maps and Geogebra, to present areas with specific artwork. In this way we are able to show the mathematical background of the analysis, reproduction - application, similar works – exhibits and further historical data about the art and the artist.

Evaluation (results) of its effectiveness (if applicable)


Overview of the lessons learned which are relevant to the project

During the implementation of the project, students recognized specific mathematical objects behind all of these structures, they explored their properties they study the way in which famous mathematicians dealt with all these objects in the past, they reproduce them using the appropriate software (GeoGebra) and they presented their results and conclusions.

References/online sources

Greek Version

Additional notes

As the project involved students from different classes, four groups of students were formed that dealt with:

  • Belt symmetries - friezes,
  • Paving with the use of regular polygons,
  • Paving techniques through Escher's work,
  • Platonic solids - symmetry in space.
inner inner-partners