Area: Mathematics, Technology
Grade Level: 6
Course: Mathematics
Timeframe: 80 minutes
Lesson Overview
In this course students explore three-dimensional shapes, learning their names, characteristics and exploring through illustration the relationship between edges, faces and vertices.
At the end of the course students must be able to:
- Name, describe and classify three-dimensional shapes (cube, pyramid, rectangular parallelogram, sphere, cylinder, cone) using mathematical terminology (edges, faces, vertices) and associate them with relevant objects of the environment.
- Recognize and construct cube, rectangular parallels, prims and pyramids nets, using various means and software.
Material/ resources
- 5 sets of geometric solids
- Educational video
Lesson Activities
- Reflection (7 minutes): The following scenario is presented to children: They should teach children of younger ages the three-dimensional shapes, a concept that, in order to be understood, needs children to have hands-on experience and experiment with the material. Due to the lack of educational materials in school, the students have to co-create their own artefacts. The teacher, therefore, asks the students to study the geometric solids, which will be the subject of their lesson.
- Reflection on previous knowledge (8 minutes): Students use various geometric solids and they try to group them according to their characteristics (prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones, sphere). Then, they write their names on stickers.
- Exploration of geometric solids and discovery of the relationship between the edges, faces, and vertices (40 minutes).: Students enter the website and explore the spreads, edges, faces and vertices of geometric solids. Then, they complete Worksheet 1.
- Construction of geometric solids using materials (15 minutes): Students construct geometric solids using different geometric shapes. They choose the appropriate shapes (triangles, squares, etc.) to construct the geometric solids requested and complete Worksheet 2.
- Revision (5 minutes): Through the use of a relevant software, the teacher revives the knowledge acquired by the students during the teaching course and provides Euler's Theorem. Suggested application.
- Assessment (5 minutes): Students are evaluated through a short test using Quizlet, where the teacher can easily and quickly get the results and see whether the course objectives have been achieved.
Instructions for teachers
The geometry course is one of the most difficult to understand topic of mathematics and makes it difficult for students to comprehend the elements of geometric solids. This is why through this course students will have the opportunity to interact with geometric solids in various ways: Through experimentation with real solids, the use of technology and construction using different materials.
In this way, the students will have the opportunity to explore geometric solids, discovering their capabilities and developing a greater understanding of 3D geometry. Thus, the course will meet the needs of all students, but at the same time will enhance the interest and motivation of the students. The teacher will support and guide the students, providing adequate feedback when needed.